what is stewardship?

Stewardship is more than the giving of money in order to meet a church’s annual budget. Stewardship is a theological statement of belief. It's a way of life based on a belief that we are all the beloved children of God. Therefore, we joyfully give of our time, talent, and treasure in to participate in God’s Kingdom being lived here and now. 

Pledging models the values of our faith and demonstrates our commitment to deepening our relationship with God by actively supporting God’s ministry through the church. It provides an opportunity to discipline ourselves and educate our children. As a spiritual exercise, pledging allows us to reflect on the gifts God has given so that we all may rejoice by using those gifts for the purpose of ministry, mission, faith formation, Christian fellowship, and worship of the church.

The practice of Christian stewardship is a blessing that occurs every day. It isn’t limited to just a specific time of year; it's an everyday activity of gratitude for all God has done for us! All are invited to discern how God calls you to rejoice and be a blessing for others by the giving of your time, talents and treasures in 2024. 

Below are a few helpful documents that offer insight into what stewardship looks like here at CHPC. Thank you for prayerfully considering how you can help us be a blessing as we seek to minister together by faithfully sharing Christ's love with all.

Stewardship Letter


2024 Pledge Card

Time & Talent Survey

Contact Sarah Johnson with any questions and to let her know your interest in making a pledge to the ministry of CHPC in 2024.